Agasping awe.

What is the point of it all? I guess this question isn’t really what I am asking, for I long since reached the conclusion that life is whatever I make it to be.

This tilts so much responsibility on to my attention and focus. I manifest my life. Through every inventing vibration intentional or not.

Listen, I tell myself. Pause. Breathe. Allow the thoughts to be thunk without judgment, as leaves tossing in the wind, let them blow by. Feel what is experienced, allow what is to be. For only then, will I move on.

My ruminations center on feelings of surrender and allowing myself to trust that whatever comes, is meant to come. Whatever turn my life takes, it is meant to take these turns. I surrender, I accept. I do my best to be prepared, to have weighed what needs to be weighed to give me the most prevailing sense of competence in the moment- but what can I do? I have far sight and the ability to perceive, yet my willingness to be open, allows me to feel tossed by the wind. I am subject to the frailty of my sensitivity, as much as strength within builds me to new levels of faith. I feel tossed around, no matter my level of surrender and preparation. There is always that which I did not know was coming.

I walk in triumph. Gasping at the beautiful world of my betterment.

I wonder, the happiness of observation. I get lost in the movement of the moment, I am agasp with awe.

Will you join me here?