I am irreplaceable. The way I show up in every moment, in every interaction is birthed from my most authentic self. No one else can say what I am drawn to say, be the energy and presence I am drawn to be. Even when it gets tough and painful and people get hurt- I am living from my most authentic… Read more →
Inner work: A Giver’s intention.
Remember, sometimes it is way more of a struggle for the person you are offering/giving help to to ask for and even open to receive help (even if they REALLY REALLY need it) than it is for you to notice, offer and give the help that you are giving to that person (even if it is not that easy for… Read more →
Embracing Surrender into Change and Uncertainty, a Pregnant post.
Since finding out I am pregnant the shifts that were already taking place within me have come with more clarity of feeling and refining of my thoughts about the experiences I am welcoming into my life with how I treat my body- what I put into it with supplements, foods, how much water I drink every single day, how much… Read more →
Gene Keys Contemplation
There has been a profound and progressive shift in my focus over the last few years that has heightened in my life the aspects that I am feeling drawn to delve into, they build and link- creating this other me to emerge. As I have been studying and contemplating the Gene Keys, my awareness of my catalytic nature has popped… Read more →
Public Inner Musing
quick shift of mind check. my inhaling, exhaling rhythmic entwined. light shudders along the lines connecting us all, we strum. droll of consequence, our experience of existing hangs shackled to form- or does it? Is this form as free forming as the ascended suggest? Just with the play of the illusion of time-lapse? Our tongues, our thoughts holding hostage our… Read more →
Live Wreckless Divine Mindset
I have collected a wonderful array of memes from my years on fb, I will be uploading them for your enjoyment weekly. Also keep an eye out for paintings and prints, writings from my blog and interesting articles I have found through my days. I hope they bring you the clarity of thought and help you focus your mental directions… Read more →
Rush of the Unknown
I am in process of becoming a whole new person, I feel it in my edges as I feel the rush of the unknown breeze past me at a brisk skip. My skin tingles as the fibers of my hair stand on end, waiting for that moment when all newness is palpable, made visible in manifestation. I have begun using… Read more →
I’ve been 28 a week, today: 750words- transparency: 06/28/15
The feelings and words that swirl inside of me, deafen me with the cacophony of contradicting, mutually valid experiential perspectives. My entire existence begins and extends from my perceptions established by my mind, my decisions, my choices to give into my egotistical self belittling tapes or to recognize them, press pause before I can even begin to start reciting along… Read more →
I’m done.
That moment when I realized both my Dad and my Mom chose my Dad’s gf over me. I’m done. F*ck a family that has never allowed me feel at home or safe or seen or loved. F*ck family who has used my openness and empathy to mistreat, torture and write me off my whole life. I’m done. NO MORE. My… Read more →
It’s the first time
It’s the first time K and I have ever been apart since he moved out to Oregon at the beginning of last summer. We had been planning for this since I had been craving alone time, time in solitude with myself for a long while. It’s interesting though, my longing for him did not allow me much solitude. For the… Read more →